1980 – Lou Gehrig
Born in New York City, New York, on June 19, 1907, Yankee immortal Lou
Gehrig was a category II inductee into the National Sportscasters and
Sportswriters Association Hall of Fame, on March 31, 1980. A category II
inductee, is an individual, team, moment or event in sports noteworthy
for a special inspirational quality. Gehrig was one of the most talented
and phenomenal baseball players of all time. After taking the field as a
permanent Yankee in 1925, Gehrig did not leave the playing field for
more than 13 years, playing an incredible 2130 consecutive games. A
record that earned him the nickname “Iron Horse” and stood until 1995.
He had a career batting average of .340, 15th all time, and averaged 147
RBIs per season. In 1931, Gehrig had 184 RBIs which is still an
American league record. In 1934, Gehrig won the triple crown with a .363
batting average, 49 homers, and 165 RBIs. He also holds the record for
the most career grand slams, with an incredible 23, and was the first
American League player to hit four home-runs in a single game. Gehrig’s
career was cut short in 1939, when he was diagnosed with what would
later become known as Lou Gehrigs disease. Gehrig died in 1941.