1981 – Curt Gowdy
Born in Green River, Wyoming, on July 31, 1919, sportscasting legend
Curt Gowdy broadcast 13 World Series, 16 Baseball All-Star Games, 12
Rose Bowls, 7 Olympic Games, and 8 Super Bowls during his incredible
career. Gowdy’s career began in 1949, when he started broadcasting with
the New York Yankees. Then after two years, he moved to the Boston, and
became the voice of the Red Sox for 15 years. In 1966, Gowdy left the
Red Sox to become lead announcer of NBC’s Game of the Week, a position
he held until 1975. Along with his work at NBC, Gowdy was also the host
of ABC’s “American Sportsman” for 15 years, starting in the early 1960s.
During his career Gowdy won many awards including the first Peabody
Award for outstanding journalistic achievement ever given to a sports
figure, and four Emmy awards. Gowdy died in 2006. He was inducted into
the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association Hall of Fame on
April 6, 1981.