Mike Lupica and 2016 Oregon Sportswriter of the Year Gina Mizell
Mike Lupica (Left) and 2016 Oregon Sportswriter of the Year Gina Mizell (Brian Westerholt Photo)
Mike Lupica and 2016 Oklahoma Sportswriter of the Year Brad Mike Brown
Mike Lupica (Left) and 2016 Oklahoma Sportswriter of the Year Brad Mike Brown (Brian Westerholt Photo)
Mike Lupica and 2016 North Dakota Sportswriter of the Year Brad Schlossman
Mike Lupica (Left) and 2016 North Dakota Sportswriter of the Year Brad Schlossman (Brian Westerholt Photo)
Mike Lupica and 2016 North Carolina Sportswriter of the Year Ed Hardin
Mike Lupica (Left) and 2016 North Carolina Sportswriter of the Year Ed Hardin (Brian Westerholt Photo)
Mike Lupica and 2016 Mississippi Sportswriter of the Year Rick Cleveland
Mike Lupica (Left) and 2016 Mississippi Sportswriter of the Year Rick Cleveland (Brian Westerholt Photo)
Mike Lupica and 2016 Maryland Sportswriter of the Year Eduardo Encina
Mike Lupica (Left) and 2016 Maryland Sportswriter of the Year Eduardo Encina (Brian Westerholt Photo)
Mike Lupica and 2016 Georgia Sportswriter of the Year Steve Hummer
Mike Lupica (Left) and 2016 Georgia Sportswriter of the Year Steve Hummer (Brian Westerholt Photo)
Mike Lupica and 2016 Colorado Sportswriter of the Year Mark Kiszla
Mike Lupica (Left) and 2016 Colorado Sportswriter of the Year Mark Kiszla (Brian Westerholt Photo)
ESPN's Linda Cohn and 2016 Wyoming Sportscaster of the Year Frank Gambino
ESPN's Linda Cohn (Left) and 2016 Wyoming Sportscaster of the Year Frank Gambino (Brain Westerholt Photo)
ESPN's Linda Cohn and 2016 West Virginia Sportscaster of the Year Steve Cotton
ESPN's Linda Cohn (Left) and 2016 West Virginia Sportscaster of the Year Steve Cotton (Brain Westerholt Photo)
ESPN's Linda Cohn and 2016 Virginia Sportscaster of the Year Travis Wells
ESPN's Linda Cohn (Left) and 2016 Virginia Sportscaster of the Year Travis Wells (Brain Westerholt Photo)
ESPN's Linda Cohn and 2016 Vermont Sportscaster of the Year Erin Cofiell
ESPN's Linda Cohn (Left) and 2016 Vermont Sportscaster of the Year Erin Cofiell (Brain Westerholt Photo)