Meet the 2019 Award Winners: Colorado Sportswriter Ryan O'Halloran


Today’s award spotlight is on NSMA 2019 Colorado Sportswriter of the Year, Ryan O'Halloran. O’Halloran is a Broncos and NFL writer for The Denver Post, this is his second season covering the Broncos since joining the publication in May 2018. The Kansas State graduate has been a full-time sportswriter for the past 22 years, since 1998, covering a variety of teams including the Redskins for eight seasons and the Jaguars for six seasons.

This is the very first-time O’Halloran has won Colorado Sportswriter of the Year! His work has also been recognized by the Associated Press Sports Editors seven times.

O’Halloran briefly spoke with NSMA on his career and other thoughts regarding the industry.

NSMA: What was your career path like on your way to your current position?

Ryan O'Halloran: Started out covering preps (and other things like college sports, horse racing and golf) at my first three stops -- Manhattan, Kan., Glens Falls, N.Y., and Newport News, Va. The big break came in 2004 when I was assigned to cover Washington's NFL team for The Newport News Daily Press. A year later, I was hired by The Washington Times. On the NFL beat, it's been eight years (Washington), six years (Jacksonville Jaguars for The Florida Times-Union) and three years (Broncos for The Denver Post).

NSMA: What is your favorite thing about your job?

RO: Writing personality profiles in which I can talk to as many as 10 people to paint a clear picture of the subject. A close second is researching the X-and-O aspect of pro football.

NSMA: What has been the biggest highlight of your career so far?

RO: I covered the 2008 Beijing Olympics for The Washington Times.

NSMA: What is the best piece of advice you have for people pursuing a career in sports media?

RO: For the aspiring writers, simply writing story after story after story is the best way to get better, even if they aren't published anywhere. And be realistic -- going from college graduation ceremony to a prominent beat is unlikely so a willingness to move around the country and get experience at various outlets is the best way to move up.

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