Meet the 2020 Award Winners: DE Sportswriter Martin Frank


NSMA's 2020 Delaware Sportswriter of the Year, Martin Frank recently chatted with NSMA intern Sahil Dhawan.

Sahil: What was your career path like? Did you always know you wanted to be in the sports media industry?

Martin: Once I got to college I started working at my school paper, the Michigan Daily at the University of Michigan. And I was actually a news writer at the time and when I graduated, I got a part-time job at the Ann Arbor News and I was covering a lot of city council meetings. And I started thinking to myself if I'm going to be bored for two hours at these meetings that go on and on, I should cover high school basketball games because I always grew up loving sports and I'd be much more entertained and I could write. So I went up to the sports editor and asked if he needed any help covering high school basketball games and he started giving me assignments. And eventually, I did more sports and less news, until eventually, the point came that I was doing all sports. So yeah, that's kinda how it all started.

To watch the rest of the interview, click below.

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