Rangers' Voice Nadel Produces Book of Baseball Limericks
11.29.2018Dallas (TX)- Hitting a home run just in time for the Holiday Season is Hall of Famer Eric Nadel with his sometimes-funny, sometimes-thoughtful book of limericks, aptly titled “Lim-Eric!” available today on Amazon. And in keeping with the season, a portion of the proceeds with benefit the Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation.
What started as a challenge by broadcast partner Matt Hicks in the Texas Rangers play-by-play booth quickly became not only an 8th Inning Tradition, but a bit of an obsession. Before long, the beloved Voice of the Texas Rangers was not only contributing a limerick a game, but was found by many to be thinking and speaking in five-line stanzas. Friends started writing them and sending them his way. Fans joined in the fun. Folks he just met were answered with rhyme. And then it all came together as though he’d just found a word to rhyme with Isiah Kiner-Falefa... there were no 12-step programs for limericists, but there was an amazing illustrator who could bring these little poems to life. And so “Lim-Eric! – Whimsical Rhymes From the Voice of the Texas Rangers and his Friends” was born!
A collection of 175 limericks on baseball – and other stuff, Lim-Eric! is mostly written by Nadel, but with contributions by both friends and fans. And it’s not only great mind-candy, but a delight for the eye, as well. Illustrator Arthur James proved the perfect fit, from his artistic talents steeping in the unlikely mix of comic books, a sense of wonder, and a love for baseball.

Opportunities to meet Nadel and have books autographed include Eric Nadel’s LIM-ERIC! Book Release featuring Pedigo’s Magic Pilsner, Whitney Rose and Joshua Ray Walker at the Kessler Theatre on Dec 5 (thekessler.org) and an evening with the Frisco Rough Riders from 5-9pm for their Winter Wonderland at Dr Pepper Ballpark on Dec 7.
Nadel just completed his 40th year broadcasting Texas Rangers baseball games on the Texas Rangers Radio Network. The 2014 winner of the Ford C. Frick Award from the National Baseball Hall of Fame is also an avid music fan – and an advocate for several philanthropic initiatives. He is an eight-time winner of the NSMA's Texas Sportscaster of the Year Award.
The Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of children in need within the community by providing funding for youth in crisis, health initiatives, baseball programs and education.
Allyson Aynesworth – 303.332.4707